The Healing Process

In order for the process of your healing to be as gentle as possible it is necessary to do follow- ups regularly. I need to specify the intake of your homeopathic remedy according to the development of your health.
You are requested to be very alert to the subtle signs which will show you whether you remain true to yourself, whether you act really the way you want to act and whether your life is developing correspondingly.
The more healthy you become, the clearer you will sense what is good for you (or not good for you) and the easier you will know how you need to decide.
Your homeopathic remedy will support you in this process and will make you more and more immune to disturbing factors.
Hede Hass
Flößerstraße 4
86983 Lechbruck am See
86983 Lechbruck am See

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Mobile: +49 1590 1059 094
Mobile: +49 1590 1059 094